I hope that Darien reads this 💙

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Loving your entries and am also a fan of Nora Ephron. It is possible the thread you were looking to uncover in her list might be revealed in the powerful book you may have already read: Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl, a psychiatrist who survived the Nazi concentration camps. Especially the “Essence of Existence” and the 1984 postscript on “Tragic Optimism”. Thank you to your fiancee for his daily and dedicated caring for others and you TOO for the same with your writing, advocacy, wit, and opening doors so deserving souls are seen and heard, and for opening the minds of the rest.

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Phillip I cried. Nora would be proud and maybe also threatened by your prowess.

omg "prowess"? who am i.

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come for the vaginal douches stay for the literary genius

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