Phillip, I've loved your writing since TV and look forward to everything to come via fruity. This post was timely as I am now asking myself similar questions, "Should I have learned something by now?, God do you feel as though we've become closer during this time?" Four weeks into social distancing and I still don't have the answers. I am however finding peace in the fact that there is nothing I can do to earn or rid God of loving me. I look forward to more content from you and am sending you and Dr. Darien all of God's transcending peace.

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So prescient now. I feel that I have already gotten my price of admission, that this is the type of dialogue that will be presented. We (ex-catholics) have to re-examine our philosophical boundaries in this time of reflection. I agree that the blueprint we have been given never truly leaves us, that so much of the mysticism remains and serves us in time of need. At least I have found that in my life and am sure many have also. I have never been at odds with my sexual identity and the teachings of the Church. That "the god" loves us all equally is the premise that we must share and impart to our fellow humankind.

A thoughtful and profound beginning Phillip...thank you

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This came to me at an interesting time. I too am also on a spiritual journey of reconciling with my spirituality of the past and understanding what I believe and practice in the present. This was a beautiful conversation. It resonated with me when you said you can never be an ex catholic. In a lot of ways my own early learned faith of Christianity is almost imprinted in my subconscious. It’s an interesting place to explore and decipher what truly resonates with my soul and what needs to be released. Thank you for sharing πŸ™πŸΌ

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That was a beautiful interview! I’m glad I read your first essay after a few glasses of wine and took the plunge to subscribe :)

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